Carl Burton
A Ronald Reagan Republican
a community volunteer, a community leader

I’m running for California Republican Party Vice Chairman of the Central Valley at the CRP 2007 Convention in Sacramento February 9-11.

The Central Valley Region of the Party includes Fresno, Kern, Kings, Merced, Mariposa, Madera, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare, and Tuolumne Counties.

The bylaws of the California Republican Party in Section 2.03.05 spell out the Duties of Regional Vice Chairmen:

“The Regional Vice Chairmen, acting for the Board of Directors, shall be responsible to provide leadership and support to the County Central Committees of their region, to build Republican strength in the region, and to increase the election of Republican candidates in or from that region. They shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed for them respectively by the Board or the Committee.”

I resolve to facilitate leadership programs and ideas that help to promote harmony within our party by working with elected officials in the Central Valley Region, the members of each County Republican Central Committee and relevant volunteer organizations.

I will concentrate my efforts on programs that actually produce results for our Republican candidates. I will help facilitate programs and processes to raise the necessary money to support Republican volunteers and candidates, training of candidates for local offices, voter registration programs and precinct organization to increase Republican voter turnout and better communication between the state party, local county committees and volunteers.

I will work with:

1.     Candidates and county committees to help set fund raising goals and develop plans to reach the goals.

2.     Candidates and volunteers to sponsor campaign training classes.

3.     Each county committee to have a year round voter registration program.

4.     County committees and volunteer organization to help strength their precinct organization.

5.     Everyone in the region to improve communication by personally meeting with you as well as using email, telephone conferencing, web site development and direct mail.

Working together we can increase Republican voter registration in the region; we can elect more Republicans to public office.

I’m asking for YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR VOTE at Republican State Convention on Saturday morning, February 10, at 9:00 am Regional Meetings and Elections for Central Valley Regional Vice Chairman. 

To view the a Republican Calendar of Events for the region visit

Sincerely yours, 

Carl Burton

PS. I am asking for your endorsement of my candidacy.
 Click here and let me know I have your support

Update on Jerry Brown Lawsuit

Mark McComas presenting United State flag to Carl Burton from Congressman Wally Herger
flown over the United States Capitol in Carl Burton's honor (on November 7, 2006 - Election Day).

Why I joined the lawsuit against Jerry Brown


To Carl,

When I was sworn in as governor, I said, “There is a massive weight on our shoulders.  Alone, I cannot lift it, but together we can.”

You have helped me lift that weight.  We brought California’s economy back, and you played a vital role in my reelection.  Here’s a token of my appreciation for your “heavy lifting,” which I give you with my great respect and sincere appreciation.


Sacramento County Republican Victory 06 Chairman

From Duf Sundheim, Chairman of California Republican Party

Community Leaders Join California Republican Party To Support Republican Candidates

Sacramento, CA - The California Republican Party today announced California Victory '06 chairs in each of California's 58 counties.

"California Republicans support the Governor's vision to move our state forward by continuing to strengthen our economy, hold the line on taxes, invest in education, and build the California of the future. Together, we will bring this bold vision to every community across the state," said California Republican Party Chairman Duf Sundheim. "I look forward to working with each one of these local leaders to elect Republican candidates, from Governor Schwarzenegger down the ballot, on November 7."

Victory '06 is the statewide grassroots organization of the California Republican Party. Victory '06 county chairs will work in conjunction with the existing Republican Party county chairs to ensure Republican candidates are elected across California.

County Republican Party Chairs and Victory '06 County Chairs include:

Carl Burton, Sacramento County Republican Party Victory '06 Chairman
Donna Schalansky, County Republican Party Chair

(2005) Carl was appointed by President Bush to the White House Conference on Aging

Carl speaking at the conference

President California Congress of Republicans 2005-2006

Sacramento Area Council of Governments - SACOG
Carl Burton, CITIZEN OF THE YEAR 2005

The Sacramento Area Council of Governments is the planning agency for Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties, and the cities of Davis, Folsom, Galt, Isleton, Lincoln, Live Oak, Marysville, Rocklin, Roseville, Sacramento, West Sacramento, Wheatland, Winters, Woodland, and Yuba City.

2005 Award to Carl from Sacramento Area Council of Governments reads "SACOG Salutes Carl Burton, CITIZEN OF THE YEAR, Members of the Sacramento Transportation Air Quality Collaborative. For 5 years of dedicated service working to improve the quality of life in Sacramento County." 

 Carl Burton Sacramento Republican Volunteer of the Year 2004


Carl Burton has got all those ''nice guy'' traits -- polite, friendly, clean-cut – and his selections as the Sacramento County Republican Party Volunteer  of the Year is a signaled of how well he gets along with both wings of the Republican Party.

Both wings of the party, the center and the right, respect him.  He was recently elected President of the largest republican club in the county “Republicans of River City.” (

Also clear is that Burton, comes from the center. He wants to field more Hispanic, Asian, Black and Women candidates, and he says the Republican Party should not focus its attention on abortion and gay rights.

''At the local level, it's not my job as President or as an elected member of the Republican County Central Committee to raise those issues,'' Burton said. ``My job is to help raise money and get Republicans elected.''

Burton has amassed a broad reservoir of political experience as Sacramento County Volunteer Coordinator of the Bush/Cheney Team, Membership Secretary of one of larges volunteer organization in the state “California Congress of Republicans.”

To his credit, he came up from the grass roots but also has made connections with local power brokers.  He served the recall papers on Governor Gray Davis and has served as Executive Director of the Sacramento County Taxpayer League (SCTL).

As a member of a community watchdog organization SCTL Burton says his “vision for Sacramento County is  to provide jobs for county residents so that they can support their families, make sure we have good schools for our children, to ensure adequate public safety officers countywide, and to offer social services to residents in need.” Additionally, he says “the county must concentrate on transportation issues, water issues, economic and housing development, and the saving of agricultural land for future generations.“

Burton serves on the Sacramento Transportation and Air Quality Collaborative.  The Collaborative is a joint effort by nine public agencies within the Sacramento countywide area: the County of Sacramento; the Cities of Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, and Sacramento; the Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT); the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD), and the Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA).  The mission of the collaborative is help plan a transportation system that fosters economic growth, a quality of life with virtually unlimited access to goods, services and destinations.

This year Burton was election Chairman of Sacramento Public Access Television station best known for its television cable casting and community-based radio, Access Sacramento is a nonprofit public service organization dedicated to providing outreach, training and media opportunities to traditionally under-served citizens. Public Access showcases programming by for and about Sacramento issues and concerns and yearly sponsors the Sacramento Film Festival.

Republicans have long been the minority in Sacramento County, but statewide and national candidates often stop here to raise money and stump for votes.  And with George W. Bush coming within 1,118 votes of carrying the county and Roger Neillo being elected to the state Assembly and Dave Cox to the Senate has given local activists something to crow about.

Burton already is gearing up for an election in 2005 if the Governor calls a special 2005 election and city and county elections in 2006.

Burton believes that by going to the streets, block by block, republicans are going to win more elections in the county.  “We don’t have enough of a farm team.  I’m going to try and make sure we have the resources and the money to build one.”

''Burton is energetic, the kind of person people like to be around,'' Said Don Faller past President of Republicans of River said. ``He's got a great personality, which is important for the chairman of any organization because he has to build relationships and coalitions.''

''He will lead by consensus,'' Faller said. ``He's not a bull in a china shop. He's a smoothie.''

Note:  In April of 2005 Carl was elected President of California Congress of Republicans one of the largest volunteer statewide republican organizations.

February 2003 Carl Burton served the recall papers on Gov. Gray Davis

Carl made history in 2003 by serving the recall papers on Gov. Davis and being a leader in his recall.  Only one other time in the history of the United States has a sitting governor been recalled.

Carl Burton was reelected to the Sacramento County Republican Central Committee

What is the Sacramento County Republican Central Committee?

The Sacramento County Republican Central Committee is the legal arm of the Republican Party in Sacramento County. The 2005-2006 committee consists of 33 unpaid members elected by supervisorial districts, plus the Republican nominees for the state and federal legislative offices in the county. 

We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month and any Republican may attend our meetings.  For information about our meeting place call 916-925-1850

We have a year round headquarters. The County Party depends on voluntary contributions to fund its operations.

The web site address for the county party is

The Sacramento County Republican Calendar can be view by clicking here

Other Activities

I volunteer some of my time working for the Republican Party and its candidates.  At the present time I served as President of the one largest pre primary endorsement volunteer organization in the state, California Congress of Republicans.  I'm also President of the largest volunteer republican club in Sacramento County, Republicans of River City.  I’ve been a member of the Teenage Republicans, President, Young Republicans Chapter of San Francisco, United Republicans of California, President, San Joaquin County chapter of the California Republican Assembly, President, California Republican Congress, member, San Joaquin and Sacramento County Republican Central Committees and the California State Central Committee.  Associate member San Francisco and Los Angeles.  Honorable member Calaveras County Central Committee. I have walked precincts for over 30 years on behalf of Republican candidates, registered voters and worked telephone banks.  I have been a member of the Sacramento County Republican Central Committee since July  2002.

I have been President of Republican organizations and served in a number of positions.

I have also served on many other boards and commission in the Sacramento region some of which are listed below:

President of the San Joaquin County Economic Development Association; President of the Stockton/San Joaquin County Private Industry Council; Vice-President of the Tracy/San Joaquin County Certified Development Corporation; member of the American Economic Development Council; member of the San Joaquin County Strategic Plan and Co-Chairman of its Education Committee; Director of the Indian Tribal Council; Director of the Stockton Cross-town Freeway Committee; Member of the Lodi School Budget Committee; Past President of the Lodi School District Advisory Committee; Co-Chairman of San Joaquin County Taxpayers Association on Education; Chairman of Leroy Nickles School Site Committee; Chairman of Friends of Public Education for San Joaquin County; Director of Northern California Sister City Program; Chairman of Stockton Developmental Center Greenhouse Committee.

I was a candidate for the Sacramento SMUD Board of Directors, 1998.

I have received a number of awards but the one I value the most is from the National Alliance of Business on behalf of my efforts in helping job training programs for economically disadvantaged Americans.  I helped to create over 10,000 jobs.

I wasn’t born into a family of wealth; my parents and grandparents suffered during the great depression of 1930's.  They were hard working people who always strived to make life better for me..  They taught me the value of volunteering my time and energy in helping to make life for all of us better.


More about Carl 

    Working together we can make our community a better place to live and work.

In memory of those who lost their lives on 9-11-2001

Send me your email messages to Carl

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